1)Molly Adams and Candice Masters giving "Veggies" to Orlando and Godfrey Mas Ranch Vegetarian Country P.O. Box 708 San Martin CA. 95051Email to Mas Ranch
1)Jesse Curtright says, "Here is one of Okie Bill, my mommouth Jack.."Email to [email protected]
1)Gloria Walters says, "Rousty is about 3 weeks old - Luv Me Tender Roustabout by Elvis" 2) "Vicky - Mini Jennet at Luv Me Tender Farm" 3) "Elvis meeting an Arabian gelding" 4) "Radar - Mammoth Jennet, wearing bucking bull costume, owned by Crystal Elzer, Scotts Valley, CA"Email to Luv Me Tender Farm
1)Gina Briscoe's donkeys - Buddy - Paladin - & Fergie, the horse North CarolinaEmail to Gina Briscoe
1)Gretchen Fathauer says, "Schmo, with my friend, Valerie .." 2) "Euro-mule .." 3) "Schmo and me .."Gretchen Fathauer...
1)Julie Bordenkircher says, "This is my baby who was born July 15th (the one I am bottle feeding). He is a real beauty." 2) "The living end..." Email to Julie Bordenkircher
1)Elizabeth O'Brien says, "Son, Dale, when still a toddler in nappies. He is 28 now. At the time, I had just finished picking out hooves and he thought he'd do the same with the donkey, Gumdrops." 2) "Gumdrops was very patient and obliging, in a VW Bug!!" 3) "Trying to nap" 4) "Dale hitches a ride"Email to Elizabeth O'Brien
First page . . Second page . . Third page . . Cards and stuff
Email to [email protected]