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Nothing fancy here, just wonderful longears...
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and meet some very interesting people, also...
1) 6/87--Marsha Jo Hannah driving Shadow, and Lynn Quam riding Nansy.
2) 7/85--Marsha Jo Hannah driving Shadow at a donkey and mule show.
3) 7/88--Marsha Jo Hannah and Shadow in a Pack over Obstacles class.
Email to [email protected]
1)Subrosa - Mary says, "Here is a pic of our pretty yearling Pebbles..."
2)Subrosa - "Pongo, is one of our babies born in June..."
3)Subrosa - "The other pic is the girl donks hanging out with the two
year old Nubian buck. He was jumping on the tree knocking plums down and the
girls were eating them as fast as the poor guy could shake'em off the tree!"
Email to [email protected]
To see more great donkeys at Subrosa *** PRESS HERE ***

1)Kristen Anderson's Family Portrait: Irma-1991 Halflinger mare, Willie-1995
Halflinger mule, Zak-1991 Mammoth Jack
2) Sweetie discussing the situation with Pete (both 1981, 15 hand mules)
3) The Bad Boys are at it, again!
4) Zak, trying to learn to pick his feet up
5) Pinky aka Zak chasing Katie - You'll have to ask Kristen about this one..
Email to [email protected]
1)Emily Lee Phillip says, "Jericha feeding Jasper"
2) "and one of pretty Gigi"
3) "Gigi at drumming practice while Jericha
plays the guitar."
4) "BLM"
5) "BLM Babies"
6) "Resting"
7) "Chips Tied"
8) "Chips Trotting"
9) "Houdah"
10) "Chair"
11) "2 Aboard"
Email to [email protected]
To view Emily's New Home page *** PRESS HERE ***
To see Emily's new project "Wild Burro Rescue" *** PRESS HERE ***
1)Devon's Heaven - David said, "The carrot man cometh,
2) Jennifer of Devon's Heaven,
3) Melanie"...
Email to [email protected]
To see more great donkeys at Devon's Heaven *** PRESS HERE ***
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Cards and stuff
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